89 research outputs found

    Betriebliches Gesundheitsmanagement im Spannungsfeld Mobbing : FĂĽhrungskommunikation und Betriebsklima als Determinanten von Mobbing

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    Betriebliches Gesundheitsmanagement, Mobbing, FĂĽhrungskommunikation, BetriebsklimaMagdeburg, Univ., Fak. fĂĽr Geistes-, Sozial- und Erziehungswiss., Diss., 2005von Georg Vol

    Collective PV-RCNN: A Novel Fusion Technique using Collective Detections for Enhanced Local LiDAR-Based Perception

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    Comprehensive perception of the environment is crucial for the safe operation of autonomous vehicles. However, the perception capabilities of autonomous vehicles are limited due to occlusions, limited sensor ranges, or environmental influences. Collective Perception (CP) aims to mitigate these problems by enabling the exchange of information between vehicles. A major challenge in CP is the fusion of the exchanged information. Due to the enormous bandwidth requirement of early fusion approaches and the interchangeability issues of intermediate fusion approaches, only the late fusion of shared detections is practical. Current late fusion approaches neglect valuable information for local detection, this is why we propose a novel fusion method to fuse the detections of cooperative vehicles within the local LiDAR-based detection pipeline. Therefore, we present Collective PV-RCNN (CPV-RCNN), which extends the PV-RCNN++ framework to fuse collective detections. Code is available at https://github.com/ekut-esComment: accepted at IEEE ITSC 202

    Collective Perception: A Safety Perspective

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    Vehicle-to-everything (V2X) communication is seen as one of the main enabling technol-ogies for automated vehicles. Collective perception is especially promising, as it allows connected traffic participants to “see through the eyes of others” by sharing sensor-detected objects via V2X communication. Its benefit is typically assessed in terms of the increased object update rate, redun-dancy, and awareness. To determine the safety improvement thanks to collective perception, the authors introduce new metrics, which quantify the environmental risk awareness of the traffic par-ticipants. The performance of the V2X service is then analyzed with the help of the test platform TEPLITS, using real traffic traces from German highways, amounting to over 100 h of total driving time. The results in the considered scenarios clearly show that collective perception not only con-tributes to the accuracy and integrity of the vehicles’ environmental perception, but also that a V2X market penetration of at least 25% is necessary to increase traffic safety from a “risk of serious traffic accidents” to a “residual hypothetical risk of collisions without minor injuries” for traffic participants equipped with non-redundant 360° sensor systems. These results support the ongoing world-wide standardization efforts of the collective perception service

    Acoustical and optical determination of mechanical properties of inorganically-bound foundry core materials

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    Inorganically-bound sand cores are used in many light-metal foundries to form cavities in the cast part, which cannot be realised by the mould itself. To enable FEM simulations with core materials, their mechanical properties have to be measured. In this article, we adapt methods to determine the Young’s and shear modulus, the Poisson ratio and the fracture strain of sand cores. This allows us to fully parametrise an ideal brittle FEM model. We found that the Young’s and shear modulus can be obtained acoustically via the impulse excitation technique. The fracture strain was measured with a high-speed camera and a digital image correlation algorithm

    A test stand for quantifying the core gas release and the gas permeability of inorganically-bound foundry cores

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    Environmental and work safety aspects necessitate a radical change in the foundry industry. Organic binder systems for foundry sand cores create toxic combustion products and are, therefore, more and more often substituted by inorganic binder systems. While providing an environmental advantage by mainly releasing water vapor, inorganic binder systems impose new challenges for the casting process. The gas release of inorganically-bound foundry cores can lead to increased gas porosity in the cast parts and thus to high scrap rates. The present work aims to gain more understanding of the gas generation and transport in inorganic sand binder systems. We developed a test stand to measure the temperature-dependent core gas release in inorganically-bound foundry cores and their gas permeability. Samples were prepared in a core blowing process and analyzed using the test stand. The measurement results are in good agreement with validation experiments and existing literature

    The Role of Immune Reactivity in Bone Regeneration

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    Bone is a complex organ with the capacity to regenerate. Even with this healing potential, healing results in fractured bone are unsatisfactory in a considerable patient cohort even with a good treatment regimen. These delayed healing cases encourage further research into possible new treatment approaches. The recently developed field of osteoimmunology addressing the tight interconnectivity of the skeletal system and the immune system could be a promising opportunity in this regard. In this review, the complexity of bone and the bone healing process are highlighted with an emphasis on the early healing phase. Specific immune cell subsets are considered for their potential to enhance bone healing and thus to develop new treatment strategies for patients in need

    Language Report German

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    German is the second most widely spoken language in the EU. The last decade has seen strongly perceptible language change, trending towards the simplification of the grammatical system, a rapidly growing number of anglicisms, a decreasing prevalence of dialects, and an increase in socio-political debates on matters such as language policies and gender-neutral language. Many technologies and resources for German are available, which is also due to numerous well-established research institutions and a thriving Language Technology (LT) and Artificial Intelligence (AI) industry. In order to withstand in the digital sphere, it is important that incentives for research, digital education and also concrete opportunities for marketing and deploying LT applications are put at the forefront of future AI strategies

    Immune Modulation to Enhance Bone Healing -A New Concept to Induce Bone Using Prostacyclin to Locally Modulate Immunity

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    Within an aging population, fracture incidences will rise and with the augmented risks of impaired healing the overall risk of delayed bone regeneration will substantially increase in elderly patients. Thus, new strategies to rescue fracture healing in the elderly are highly warranted. Modulating the initial inflammatory phase toward a reduced pro-inflammation launches new treatment options for delayed or impaired healing specifically in the elderly. Here, we evaluated the capacity of the prostacyclin analog Iloprost to modulate the inflammatory phase toward a pro-regenerative milieu using in vitro as well as in vivo model systems. In vitro, Iloprost administration led to a downregulation of potential unfavorable CD8+ cytotoxic T cells as well as their pro-inflammatory cytokine secretion profile. Furthermore, Iloprost increased the mineralization capacity of osteogenic induced mesenchymal stromal cells through both direct as well as indirect cues. In an in vivo approach, Iloprost, embedded in a biphasic fibrin scaffold, decreased the pro-inflammatory and simultaneously enhanced the anti-inflammatory phase thereby improving bone healing outcome. Overall, our presented data confirms a possible strategy to modulate the early inflammatory phase in aged individuals toward a physiological healing by a downregulation of an excessive pro-inflammation that otherwise would impair healing. Further confirmation in phase I/II trials, however, is needed to validate the concept in a broader clinical evaluation

    Immune Modulation to Enhance Bone Healing—A New Concept to Induce Bone Using Prostacyclin to Locally Modulate Immunity

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    Within an aging population, fracture incidences will rise and with the augmented risks of impaired healing the overall risk of delayed bone regeneration will substantially increase in elderly patients. Thus, new strategies to rescue fracture healing in the elderly are highly warranted. Modulating the initial inflammatory phase toward a reduced pro-inflammation launches new treatment options for delayed or impaired healing specifically in the elderly. Here, we evaluated the capacity of the prostacyclin analog Iloprost to modulate the inflammatory phase toward a pro-regenerative milieu using in vitro as well as in vivo model systems. In vitro, Iloprost administration led to a downregulation of potential unfavorable CD8+ cytotoxic T cells as well as their pro-inflammatory cytokine secretion profile. Furthermore, Iloprost increased the mineralization capacity of osteogenic induced mesenchymal stromal cells through both direct as well as indirect cues. In an in vivo approach, Iloprost, embedded in a biphasic fibrin scaffold, decreased the pro-inflammatory and simultaneously enhanced the anti-inflammatory phase thereby improving bone healing outcome. Overall, our presented data confirms a possible strategy to modulate the early inflammatory phase in aged individuals toward a physiological healing by a downregulation of an excessive pro-inflammation that otherwise would impair healing. Further confirmation in phase I/II trials, however, is needed to validate the concept in a broader clinical evaluation

    T Lymphocytes Influence the Mineralization Process of Bone

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    Bone is a unique organ able to regenerate itself after injuries. This regeneration requires the local interplay between different biological systems such as inflammation and matrix formation. Structural reconstitution is initiated by an inflammatory response orchestrated by the host immune system. However, the individual role of T cells and B cells in regeneration and their relationship to bone tissue reconstitution remain unknown. Comparing bone and fracture healing in animals with and without mature T and B cells revealed the essential role of these immune cells in determining the tissue mineralization and thus the bone quality. Bone without mature T and B cells is stiffer when compared to wild-type bone thus lacking the elasticity that helps to absorb forces, thus preventing fractures. In-depth analysis showed dysregulations in collagen deposition and osteoblast distribution upon lack of mature T and B cells. These changes in matrix deposition have been correlated with T cells rather than B cells within this study. This work presents, for the first time, a direct link between immune cells and matrix formation during bone healing after fracture. It illustrates specifically the role of T cells in the collagen organization process and the lack thereof in the absence of T cells
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